SDG&E’s commitment to DBEs
SDG&E strives to be connected to the communities it serves and believes in the value of diversity and therefore has integrated the increase of DBE suppliers into their corporate vision. Diverse Business Enterprises (DBEs) are comprised of businesses owned and operated by entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. This includes women, minorities and military. Aside from promoting diversification within the company, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) sources DBEs for possible business opportunities and diligently works toward establishing and maintaining relationships with DBEs through various channels including events, volunteer activities and charitable donations
In 2011, SDG&E purchased over $546 million worth products and services through DBEs, making up 38.1% of total purchases. Reflective of the increased efforts to establish business connections with DBEs, 2011 was record-breaking compared to the $161 million spent on purchases through DBEs in 2010. The steadily increasing numbers serve as testament of SDG&E’s strong commitment to the DBE program.
SDG&E implemented a new strategy for supplier diversification which calls for the increase of DBE presence within its core business areas. These core business areas consist of electric and gas operations and any related construction and support operations. In order to assist suppliers in the expansion of their opportunities to work with SDG&E, SDG&E provides DBEs with access to multiple educational assistance programs through partnerships with local universities, including SDSU, USC and UCLA.
SDG&E seeks to connect with DBE suppliers in conventional sectors while searching for DBE suppliers in upcoming areas of focus in order to guarantee alignment with strategic company goals and continue promoting diversity among suppliers.